HCG Levels **UPDATE**


Hey there ! hubby and I just found out were pregnant on new years <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a>! did blood work yesterday at 3 weeks 6 days (14dpo) and levels came back at 360!! I've been reading posts here of women having levels of 33,20,14,max 60 at 14 dpo.......could there be a possibility of twins?! can any mommas of twins out there shed any light on this?! my family is very spiritual and everyone is saying were having twins 🤤I Googled average hcg levels and the range is about 60-110 at 14dpo🙃

this was my positive at 8 days before my period!!! and I know exactly when I ovulated based on bbt, cm, lh surge, and ovulation cramps. I'll be redoing my beta on monday!! **UPDATE** today is Monday and I got my beta done! hcg came back at 1453!!! if I was doubling correcting then I should have been 720 yesterday and somewhere between 800-900 today but I'm 1453!! only got to see a tiny sac today and definitely only one....maybe we'll see two later on! either way my husband and I feel incredibly blessed with just this one bundle of joy 😍