7 week u/s ...possible Trigger

Amanda • 🌈8-25-18 Jamison 🤱🏻, 8 Angels👼🏼, 🌈👩🏼9-24-10, & 🌈👧🏼 4-24-15

We had our ultrasound today. Per my last cycle I should be 7 weeks 1 day. In the ultrasound the tech found the G sac and Yolk sac and that’s it. She didn’t even print anything for me to take. She mentioned that I might have ovulated later then I thought so it’s too early to see anything.

Any thoughts?

I did spot brown discharge on December 20th and was crampy. Then December 23rd I tested positive. Late implantation???

I have had 8 Miscarriages and have two beautiful daughters 5 years apart. So I know my body can do it.