positive OPK !!!


I'm so happy I literally started to cry because I'm so happy and sad at the same time when i went to my 11 week appoitment I found out our sweet baby stopped developing at 9 weeks and ended up lossing out sweet baby naturally on 11/25 by 11/27 my body had naturally passed all of the baby and my hcg had dropped to a 350 I bleed for the next two weeks then it stopped 4 weeks later my hcg levels had dropped down back down to zero & I got my first period on December 23 which I couldn't believe my body just was recovering so quickly so I thought for sure to expect maybe irregular periods for some time even maybe not to ovulate but nop.e it went straight back it was my normal cycle and I started using opks and I got a very strong positive one just now and although I am so blessed and truly happy I'm ovulating and we are trying to Concieve again I can't help but feel sad and guilty for being happy that maybe we have a shot at having our rainbow baby there's not a day or place or time I don't think of my baby or think how we would have been finding out the baby's sex this month I just hope the baby knows that his/her mama thinks about him or her everyday and that in no way would I ever try to replace him/her I just never thought I would get this emotional . here is to our beautiful healthy rainbow babys ❤