Idk what to do. I just need to vent.

Ok so i lost my virginity in September to my bf. im 20years old btw. but at the time we wernt together yet. We were just in the heat in the moment and it just happened. So im very close to my mom and i told her i lost my Vcard about a week or 2 after it happened. I just wanted someone to talk to because i felt kinda ashamed that i gave it up to someone who wasnt my bf (yet). So anyways she goes on to telling me that im a slut and that im easy. Omg guys this broke my heart. i came to my mom because i thought she was going to be the last person to tell me this. So anyways my bf and i got together soon later. We still have sex but im on the pill and we still use condoms so im being extra safe. But sometimes i still feel ashamed that im having sex because i keep thinking that im a slut or that am easy because of what my mon told me. Sometimes to this day my mom brings it up and still calls me easy. I Idk what to do. Sometimes when i have sex with my bf i feel disappointed in myself the next day like im a disappointment to my mom.