recently shortened cycle...

Samantha • Married 5•27•2013 ♡

Hi Ladies, first time posting. Need some backup here.

I've been married 4.5yrs. We aren't actively ttc but I hope to be this year. We just bought our first home at the end of September so we're not really in a rush to leave this "second honeymoon" phase.

So, I haven't touched BC or anything of the like in over 7 years, all natural since 2010. I've been pretty decently regular all those years, besides the occasional day or two late or early due to stress or syncing. My symptoms are generally the same. They've changed a bit over the years but never drastically. Everything is NORMAL.

Except that now it isn't. Last month (December 16) I started my cycle 4 days early. I suddenly went from a usual 26 day cycle to a 22 day. Period symptoms and length was normal. I let it go. But fast forward to day 17 of my cycle (Jan 2) & I start pms-ing. Light spotting, sweet cravings, heartburn - my normal pms symptoms. Waiting.. waiting.. waiting.. then finally on Saturday (Jan 6, approx 10pm (3 hrs ago)) my period starts.

So that's Day 21. 5 days early. WHAT THE F**K! All day my hormones were raging, I knew it had to start. but why? Why am I suddenly starting my period 5 days early? how in 2 months do I go from a 26 day cycle to a 21 day cycle?

I'm not feeling much stress, I'm actually happily about to drop to part time at my daycare job so I can spend more time at home and with my aging grandparents. Hubby is fine with it. The only thing that's been different in the past few months is that I stated seeing a chiropractor. They fixed my back pain! it's delightful. I noticed a slight lightening of my period symptoms over the past 4 months with my back adjustments which they warned me could happen. just a slight lightening of my flow and less cramps. but it was miniscule. nothing else. So if my adjustments were the cause of this new cycle length why is it happening so extremely SUDDENLY.

I just don't understand. Has anyone else experienced a sudden shortening of their cycle length? Do you think I should be worried about this? I mean it sucks.. but I looked it up and 21 days is still a perfectly normal number. I am worried it'll keep shortening tho. I know I need to talk to a gyno, we just switched insurance so I need to find one. But in the meantime I just need to see if anyone has any insight or suggestions?

THANKS to anyone who actually reads this. 😍