

Okay, story time.

So, because I am single and LDS, I decided to download this app called "Mutual". It's like Tinder, but for LDS people. Anywho, I use this app late at night when I can't sleep but don't have anything else to do. Translation- I use this app when I am bored. So one night I'm up, swiping, and I match with this guy- for the sake of privacy, his name will be "Electrician". (This name will prove ironic later in the story.) So I match with Electrician and we get to talking. He seems cool, we add each other on various social media sites and the conversation is shallow, really.

One day, he decides that he really wants to meet me in person and hang out. Due to distance, this was put off for awhile. And then this weekend, he is able to make the drive to my place. We hang out for a little bit, making small talk while watching a movie at my apartment that one of my room-mates put on. A little bit later, we decide to go on a drive and talk- at least, that's what he told me.

So we are driving around, and he asks where a good place to park and talk is. We pull over next to a park that's in the town I currently live in, and we're just chatting away. My mind interrupts and goes, "You remember what other people consider 'parking' is, right?" I brushed the thought off and kept talking. As I am mid-sentence, he begins to stroke the side of my cheek. "Okay, a little weird.", was what I thought. Mid word, he pulls me in by the chin and starts tonguing me. Tonguing, biting, tracing his lips across my cheek and almost to my neck. I sat there, my brain trying to process everything. I had never previously been kissed! I try to figure out what kind of tongue play he's doing, literally flicking it under my tongue. (Like, Big Mouth {Netflix show} style.) There were no sparks whatsoever. I sort of kissed back??? I wasn't even sure how to change the situation. As he's kissing me, he is running his hand along my arm, and then grabs my right breast. I immediately grabbed it, and moved it away. (Yes, you read that right!) He apologizes for grabbing me, and we start talking about what we want in a relationship.

Honestly, after that stunt he pulled, I want nothing to do with him. I explained to him how I like to take things slowly- ya know, actually get to know somebody before pulling something like that. I even went as far as asking him what he liked about me- besides him thinking I am 'cute'. He couldn't give me a straight answer- red flag raised.

I had him take me back to my place, and before I got out, I hugged him. He took that as an opportunity and grabbed my waist and kissed me again. I sat there, my mouth trying its best to stay closed. After a couple of seconds, he pulled away, and asked, "Why won't you kiss me back?" (After previously asking where our relationship stood.) I simply told him, "If I kissed you back, that'd be leading you on." I got out, and nearly ran to my apartment from the parking lot.

When I got in, I told everybody at home what happened and brushed my teeth to get his weird taste out of my mouth. Not a fan of a surprise make-out sesh.

After I took a shower, I scrubbed and scrubbed my lips, tongue, and teeth. Kissing is gross- or maybe he's just a bad kisser. Hopefully he finds somebody else that will appreciate his advances- but I certainly am not that girl.