should i just leave him?...

my boyfriend and i, we have been dating for almost a year now. i'm so in love with him, he is too. but, the only problem is that before dating me, he used to be super quiet, introvert and a loner you'd say. ever since we started dating, he's become more open, he talks to everyone, he just seems much happier than before which i'm so happy for him. anyways, even though we've been dating for a quite long time, he's still hasnt told his parents that hes dating me, he just tells his parents that i'm his bestfriend, his special friend, i mean i dont know how to feel about that, yeah it seems a little bit off that he doesnt tell his parents what we really are but you know, he might have a reason for that so i just let it slide. also, he doesnt like posting about me on social media, at first i thought i was the wrong and selfish person for having a thought like that, but i just dont understand how he doesnt want to mention me on social media. i asked him about it and he said that it's just unnatural for him to do that , so i let it slide again because i dont want to force him to do anything. and the last thing he does is that he just never says cute, sweet things to me. i know it sounds ridiculous but if youre dating someone for a while, and they dont do or say anything to gas you up, you'd feel really awful about it. for example, if i go to sleep, he'd just send a text that says "goodnight" and thats it, every single night. and we keep fighting about that problem. until 30 minutes ago, i asked him that if he doesnt want to say all of the cute things to me, it's fine, just tell me that you wont do it so i can understand and never fight about this problem again, and he said sorry but he doesnt want to do it because it's unnatural for him...

i just dont know what to do anymore... do you have any advice?..