
So I’ve been TTC #1 for 14 months...I’ve been <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> for 3. Normally on my positive days I have tests that are the same colour as the control line. I usually have 71-86 day cycles but my last cycle was 33 days long and AF came on 8/12 andI’m currently on 31. I tested all the way up until the 27th (done a test everyday) then I missed the 28th&29th December but tested on 30th&31st and all were negatives.

However, I tested on the 1st and test line was SO much DARKER than the control line and appeared within a few seconds! I thought the test was defective as I’ve never seen it so dark but I tested 3 times that evening with three different urines and all were the same darkness. I then tested on the second and the line was hardly even visible... what is going on?!

I also don’t have PCOS or anything as I’ve had checks and everything is normal!

Jan 2nd

Jan 1st