What has worked for others with recurrent miscarriage?

Jennifer • Trying for our first. Miscarriages: November 2016, June 2017, August 2017, January 2018, May 2018, April 2019.

My husband and I just found out yesterday that we're miscarrying for the 4th time. In the fall we went through extensive testing to determine the cause of the recurrent miscarriages and they couldn't find one. I'm beyond frustrated and at my wits end. Has anyone who has had recurrent miscarriages done something different after a miscarriage that resulted in a successful pregancy? I've already added additional supplements like B6, B12, and CoQ10 to my prenatal. I take baby aspirin, and I take Pre-Mama Fertility to help egg quality. I'm looking at also adding Vitamin E and Red Raspberry Leaf since I've read that those can help uterine health and endometrial lining. I talked to one of my friends who's a nurse midwife and after her 5th miscarriage she supplemented with progesterone and she finally had a baby. I'm trying to talk to my doctor about writing me a prescription for progestetone. Is there anything I'm missing? Anything else I could try? I'm willing to try anything at this point since I really don't want to have to go down the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> route.