Friends with benefits


So my best friend (a guy) and I have been friends for 2 years and we basically haven’t left each other’s side since we met in junior year of high school. He’s the sweetest most respectful guy I’ve ever met in my life and he cares about me more than my own family does (my parents kicked me out and he took me in). We spend a lot of time together and that being said people usually assumed we were dating which always annoyed me because I never saw him in a romantic way. Our friendship is so close that we are pretty much the same person and it is amazing to have someone I can be this close with. Recently I started to see him through different eyes and I was on and off about my feelings about him and I would tend to dismiss any feelings because i don’t want throw away what we have. About a month ago we were laying in his bed and I was sad and normally I’m not a cuddly or affectionate person because I’ve been in a lot of terrible relationships in the past that left me kinda cold hearted but when we were laying in his bed he started to rub my leg and back and one thing lead to another and we ended up making out. This lead to us eventually having sex. He was fairly new at it while I have been doing it for a while so he was let’s say inexperienced. Long story short we’ve been “friends with benefits” for a month now and we are eventually gonna start dating in the next couple of weeks. My problem is that I can’t stop overthinking the whole situation because 1. I usually self sabotage myself in relationships 2. I don’t want us to lose our close friendship if things go wrong and 3. I love him on so many levels and I want to be able to give him everything he deserves but i feel like I won’t. I hope that him and I can enjoy more years together and we plan to move in together when we go up to college next summer. I just don’t know how to make sure I don’t lose in the long haul😔

Any advice ?