my marriage

I feel like my marriage is over. We have been married for 2 years 4 months. We just bought a house. Before we bought the house I wanted kids. I was trying so hard to make sure we had sex and to make sure that he was happy. We have been in our new home for 1 month and a few days. I refuse to instigate sex right now because I am tired of being the one that is always trying to make him happy. Why can't he make me happy sometimes. He never asks what I want for supper he just fixes what he wants to eat. Most of the time he fixes really spicy stuff knowing that I can't eat it. We have seriously had sex 3 time since living here. I don't feel loved, I feel like my feelings don't matter. I just want to be happy. I have tried talking to him and he just goes into you are just cheating on me so that's why you are feeling this way. WYI I am not cheating. I still love my husband but I'm just tired of being the only one trying to make this work. Like I went to take my life health and annuities test. He had to work so I asked my step mom to go with me she lives 1 hr from me. So I told her we would meet half way and then head to where I had to go to take the test. He got mad at me because she wasn't coming to our house. Like how selfish can you be? I'm talking about did not talk to me all day. I told him that the world does not revolve around what he wants all the time that he has to think about others as well. Do you think I should try longer or give up?