Early pregnancy signs


Hi everyone,

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 2 months now, this being our second time. Last time I got so many symptoms but ended up getting my period. This time I don’t have as many symptoms and I’ve been experiencing breast tenderness. They feel so full and swollen but that was maybe two days so last Wednesday and Thursday and it went away. I’ve been feeling so fatigue and have been sleeping much longer then usual. My nipples do feel tingly and I’ve been getting light cramps and feelings like my period wants to come but I’m not due for AF until Jan 14th. I’ve also been eating a lot more and been bloated. My fertile window was December 25-31 and had sex every day. We also had sex three times before my window and twice after my window. I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it came out negative. I’m thinking it’s just too soon but I’m really hoping we conceived this time. I’m so anxious to test again but I know I’ll get disappointed if I test negative again. Anyone else have these symptoms so soon or is it all just in my head and I’m over thinking it? Thanks!!