One year today!


So, today was mine and my boyfriends one year anniversary. It was nice, because we spent most of the day together. On Sunday, he does “Sunday funday” and I compromise with him for that even though I hate the idea of him being at a bar while I’m at home with the kids. Anyway, around 10:30pm he asked me if he could go and if I would be mad.. I told him yes, go; and he asked if I would hold on to this and bitch about it later.. I said no. I’m trying to respect his space and uphold my compromise.. but I’m actually sad he wanted to go out tonight and I’m going to bed alone. No anger or resentment.. just sadness. How do I tell him without making it sound like I’m holding on to it, when I’m not just want to let him know it made me sad that he wanted to spend the night at the bar instead of with me on our anniversary. Mind you we are in a serious relationship. We live together and have a baby together. So it’s not like I can just be petty and dump him. Plus I don’t want to because I love him. Just a minor speed bump.