Symptoms 🤔

So, I ovulated around the 27th of December, both according to this app and my CM. Me and my fiancé did the BD almost everyday of my fertile window.

A few days later, around 3DPO, I began having cramping. Only mild. I’ve never had this before, only once or twice during ovulation and that’s it. I just ignored it and went on about my life. This is when my nipples became sensitive but I didn’t pay much attention to that either.

At 5DPO, I was just sitting on the couch, watching TV when I felt a sharp pain in my side. It hurt to walk but it only lasted 50-60 seconds. I have PCOS but I’ve got it under control and NEVER get pains at all— haven’t had a pain because of a cyst since sixteen but it felt nothing like that pain. Got a cold this day(I’ve already had my winter cold)

By this time, I’d had two vivid dreams. I RARELY dream. I went on to have another vivid dream a day later and then one around 8-9DPO.

At 7DPO, I began experiencing headaches and my boobs became more sore— to the point I didn’t even want my fiancé to touch them. Extreme tiredness from now and onwards. Cold attempts to clear up.

During 8DPO, I tried eating pasta, something that I usually love but couldn’t. It was just disgusting to me. Curry sauce tastes weird too.

9-10DPO and I have extra saliva. Lower back pain. Sore boobs have gone slightly but nipples are still extremely sensitive. I’m also moody as heck! Tested with a FRER test— negative. Sore throat + blocked nose returns.

11DPO, woke up to veiny boobs and lower back pain. Something was telling me to take a test so I did. It came back with an extremely faint line that you can only see in person/if you zoom in on a picture. This was at around 10AM. At around 6:30PM, I began spotting. AF is due on Wednesday and I’ve never, ever had spotting this early on before. If I do have spotting, it’s a few hours or an hour before I start my period and it’s consistent + has brown/reddish clots and has to be contained in a sanitary pad. This spotting does not.

12DPO — Lower back pain. Just went to the bathroom in the AM. When I wiped, there’s a brownish discharge on the tissue(more than before but it’s still only when I wipe, nothing major). At 11DPO, I had a slight bit of pink and brown and EWCM I believe. All throughout my DPO, I’ve had extremely watery CM, only drying up once or twice.

Praying AF doesn’t show her face on Wednesday. If this is some cruel joke my body is playing on me then damn you. 😡😡