Over it

Adika • just a bomb ass mom who all her dreams came true when i gave birth to my son. wifey since nov 2016

So if any of you have been following any of my posts you will see that I’ve been trying to get my family back together. Well this weekend has put the icing on the cake and I have 100 percent irrevocably lost what I thought I wanted. My ex is addicted to his lifestyle and I had no idea how bad it was until I spent a whole week with him and I am so afraid for my life my sons life and his father‘s life it’s time for me to walk away I have been through some tough situations to and I came out strong and on top and a beat it because on that week for the amount of drugs he’s doing it’s not for fun there some deep rooted pain in there that he’s running from and there’s no amount of talking or crying or begging or pleading I can do. I mean tonight he was like you can go goodbye and of course I’m not gonna leave him but I won’t be a part of this and it’s so sad because for the past six months this is all I want to head and things were getting so good and it’s sad because he’s not struggling financially but for some reason he feels like he needs to live the lifestyle Of poor ghetto trash. And this post is not asking for advice it’s just venting so strong I know exactly what I need to do and it’s very easy for me too