Virginity worries

Hey everyone, I'm off to rural college next year to start my training in working on a cattle station in the Northern Territory Australia. I'll be 16 when I leave home. That's really young I know but my mum left home the same age to join the military so she understands and supports what I want. Anyways at the rural college I will be attending they will be mainly blokes and a handful of women as it is a male dominated industry. I hope I don't sound desperate saying this my I'm really keen to have sex. I'm worried what the guys will think of me when they find out I'm a virgin as they will be older and probably have had a sexual experience. Will they look the other way or be more interested? What does losing your virginity feel like? I'm worried that when I do have sex I'll be really awkward because I won't know what the hell im doing aha. So any advice and tips you guys can give me will be amazing!

P.S the legal age to have sex in the NT is 16 so I'm not doing anything that's not legal.