Wonder weeks



Anyone experienced these? My baby girl is 4 months and been unusually grumpy n grizzly, difficult to feed at times, and just hard work. I don’t think it’s her reflux as its intermittent.

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Posted at
The only thing “wonder” about leap 4 was me wondering how the fuck I was still alive without sleeping for two weeks. My kid was terrible!


Posted at
ah yes😣 my LO started with this leap about 3.5 months and I think is finally on the downhill side of it (we're going on 3-4 weeks). he'll have good days throughout but definitely a lot fussier, clingier, and difficult haha. I just keep telling myself it will be over soon!! it's been great to see the changes and progress though he's made throughout this leap!!


Layla • Mar 20, 2018
anybody else having a hard time breastfeeding their baby during wonder weeks?


Layla • Mar 20, 2018
I’m in tears at how accurate this app is, somedays I’m at my wits end and the app reminds me it’s just a phase and that my baby is growing healthy and her development is normal


Andrea • Jan 8, 2018
Haha well just a couple more weeks (hopefully😉) good luck momma!


Posted at
Well 4 month leap was really the worst I have had till now.. I think she is in her 5th leap now and it isn't that bad *touchwood... 4th one really kicked my ass... she had turned into a needy clingy crying screamed by monster... and like a off switch became the happy girl that she is in her 19th week one fine day... so hang in there... it gets better


Posted at
Oh yeah, leap four is a real B!! It’s long, it’s tiresome, and it will absolutely drive you crazy!! On the plus side, when they come out of it, they’re super happy and smiley lol.


Posted at
my baby was a bear it was like a whole new baby. wouldnt sleep wouldnt calm didnt want to be set down. then one day it ended and hes eating less often, had hugr growth milestones and is able to self soothe at night so there is light at end of tunnel


Posted at
Omg definitely wonder weeks! When will it end 🤦🏼‍♀️💆🏼‍♀️


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She now seems poorly with cold n cough so unsure if it was that or combination of that n wonder week.


Posted at
I suggest buying the app wonder weeks, if you haven’t already. It tells you exactly when it starts, how long it lasts, etc. super handy!