Husband lying? Seen his location

My husband works out of state, I travel with him. Our hotel is an hour and a half away from his job site. He left like he usually does at like 5:20 am. Texted me at 7:30 saying he was there and all that. Then called me at 8:16 and said there was no work and was coming home, he got home at like 9 something. So we sleep for a while and when I wake up I check this app we have that tracks location and if you were speeding, breaking hard, etc. Also has crash detection. And if you were using your phone while driving. Anyways, I checked it because I wanted to make sure he was driving safe, as he has a history of driving unsafe and I’m worried. Well, it showed at 5:24 he left the hotel, drove 9 miles down the road to a gas station, stayed there until 8:16 (which is the EXACT moment he called to tell me he didn’t have work.) then he drove like 20-30 minutes the opposite way and stopped at the side of the road then drove 40 minutes back to the hotel. He never went close to his job site. His story is “I stopped at McDonald’s, went to work, they didn’t have anything so I calmed home and stopped on the side of the road to bundle up because we have no heat in the Jeep then I came home.”

His phone has been messing up lately but do you think the locations could be wrong? I don’t want to not trust him but this is such a hard thing for me because it’s literally saying he lied! I texted him what the locations said and he said “um no I didn’t stop at a gas station” I went to work.

I don’t know what to do. He has lied and cheated in the past but we moved past that and I’ve been trying so hard to trust him. Please help! I know I sound like a stupid insecure wife but I’m at the point where if he lies again, I’m walking away. He knows this. So I don’t want to walk away without knowing 100% if he was actually lying.

Disclaimer: he’s been great these past few weeks. Never showed any signs that he was cheating, never seemed to lie, was always doing everything he can to make me happy.