second chances?

A few years back I was talking to this guy I met through a friend, we ended up planning on going to universal studios, but never did because my parents were super strict with me hanging out with guys. The day we were supposed to hang out, I went with another friend (a girl) last minute because we both had annual passes, and he saw a picture I had posted there. He then messaged me telling me that if i didn't want to go with him, I should have told him, and I tried explaining that my parents didn't let me go with him, but he got kind of butthurt and we stopped talking.

Until recently, we both refollowed each other on instagram; he apologized and we're good now (i'm 17 and he's 18 now). We've been talking and things have been going great. The only thing is, my friends don't really like him. Right after we stopped talking, I was also upset so I didn't talk about him in the best way (basically we were both way less mature years ago, as any preteen would be lmao), and now my friends don't think he's a great person. Two of my close friends say they don't support me talking to him again and they don't think it's a good idea. I personally don't have a bad feeling about it, I really enjoy talking to him. I know my friends are just looking out for me, but they don't know the full story (only the negative bits i told them of him, which I now regret). Should i listen to them and stop talking to

him, or continue to talk to him and see how things go? I'm conflicted and I need advice.