My ex


I’m so tired of being in love with my long distance ex boyfriend. He tells me that he stills loves me and we could possibly try again when he comes back to Ohio but I’m tired of waiting for him even though he has no choice right now. We’ve been broken up for 4 months and 22 days and people keep saying that it will get better but I just want to be over him. Sometimes I ask him why he had to choose me to date because I was doing fine without all the feelings and love even though I was tired of being single. I just want a fresh start with someone new but 1. No one wants me and 2. I still love him. He told me a few months ago that he is still mine because I still have his heart. The thing is if I can’t have all of him and be able to call h mine I want to be over but I just cant. Why is this so complicated and confusing? I just want all of it to be over.