Update on: Should I tell my husband?

I posted this earlier and got some great feedback from some of you. I posted anonymously because I know some ladies on this app but it won’t let me update the original post.

So here’s the update: my daughter called my husband into her room and had a talk with him. She told him everything! He is disappointed (as am I) but handled it very well. I’m proud of her for coming to us.

I understand that she is a teenager. She will be 18 next month and graduate high school in May BUT she is still my baby. I want her to understand that she can have fun with friends without alcohol. Even when she is legally old enough to drink and party I will still be here to drill right and wrong to her. I try to remember myself at her age and all the things I done but I was married at 17. She is a totally different person than I was at her age. Although I am her friend, I am her mother first!!