First AF, or not?

I miscarried a little over 6 weeks ago, in mid April. I have been bleeding and spotting since then. The spotting got so light I was confident it was going to stop. But, it never did. Then Wednesday out of no where I started bleeding heavy again. Also, I have been passing clots. Nothing huge, but larger and more than a normal cycle. I just got a negative hpt, so my HCG is finally low or 0. Anyway, just wondering if anyone else dealt with anything similar and if it did turn out to be AF? I'm not sure because it overlapped the spotting. My normal cycle lasts 5 days with a couple days of light brown spotting after. This has been 6 days of heavy-medium bleeding, so far. I just want it to end and we can start TTC again. I'm so frustrated and sick of bleeding/spotting!! I'm going to call my Dr. again tomorrow, but would love to hear from other ladies who experienced something similar.