UPDATE: In love with my friend’s boyfriend...

**Making a seperate post because when I tried to put it in the original it said it was too long😕**

UPDATE: I didn’t reply to his text because I was soooo nervous and overwhelmed. But today was our first day back at school after winter break and I was kinda forced to see him. Turns out I still have a class with him even though our schedules changed for the new semester. I swear when he walked into class my heart literally stopped😭 He saw me and walked right over to me and sat down next to me and it was awkward silence for like a minute before I decided to say something.

Basically, I told him I had feelings for him too. He acted all happy but then I told him “But I don’t want anything to do with you until you break up with Brielle. I’m not that kind of girl and I’m never going to help someone cheat on someone else.” He got all quiet and like 30 min passed where we didn’t talk and we were just focusing on the class and then he turned to me and said “Okay. I’ll break up with her today.” Well obviously that got me excited, but I also needed to tell him about what Brielle had done. But I was still terrified that if it was me that told him everything would change and he’d be angry at me, so I convinced my friend Maya to be the one to tell him and pretend like it’s a coincidence.

At lunch she walked up to him and pulled him aside to tell him and OMG WHEN I SAW HER GO UP TO HIM I GOT SOOO NERVOUS. They came back like 10 minutes later and he looked so angry and upset it broke my heart. But y’all lemme tell you... I did NOT expect what he did next...


My jaw DROPPED. Legit I was so shook my legs were shaking. He locked eyes with me and I was so scared he was going to say it was me and out me in front of everyone just because he was upset, and he REALLY looked like he was going to, but he stopped himself thank GOD. He just turned around and walked off. Meanwhile the entire cafeteria was silent af and Brielle was just sitting there like

I had zero clue where he went he just ran off meanwhile Brielle was playing up the victim card saying “I didn’t even cheat why would he embarrass me like that?” and acting like she was about to cry but everyone was silent. I mean legit NO ONE comforted her because they knew damn well she was lying. And then finally this girl who is in our group kind of was like “But you did kiss Chris on Saturday right in front of me...” and everyone was like OOOH and Brielle got up like she was about to fight and walked over to her and was yelling at her but then a security guard came and stopped it before anything went down.

So the rest of the school day passed kind of and during last period I got another text from Elian.

So I walked my ass over there nervous as hell. When I got to the bathroom I legit waited outside for like 3 minutes because every time someone would walk by I would pretend to be on the phone because I was so scared to walk in I thought someone would catch me😂

Well I walked in and there was Elian... cute af but also sad af. He’s always smiling but he wasn’t then 🙁 He told me that Maya told him about how Brielle had cheated on him on 3 seperate occassions and how she showed him Snapchat videos of her doing it along with the dates and everything as proof. I was like “Damn I’m sorry...”

He started talking about how he wasn’t even really surprised, that he was angry yes but he was beyond caring because they had already been fighting for a long time and he didn’t have any feelings for her. He said he knew already that she was talking to other guys because he had seen her liking other guys pictures and she was always texting guys in front of him but that she always brushed it off as “Oh that’s my best friend”. That was a reason why she always called him controlling and whined that he acted like her dad, because he was always questioning her regarding the messaging.

We kinda sat there in silence for like 2 min because I didn’t know what to say. Plus I felt guilty that I had already known and was basically lying and pretending not to know... and I still feel guilty about that :(

But then he asked me “Can I kiss you?”

You know ya girl was like

So I basically jumped him 🤷🏻‍♀️ I won’t go into too much detail but IT WAS EVERYTHING I HAD HYPED IT UP TO BE IN MY HEAD. Y’all I may be a virgin and I may have been planning to stay that way for a while but shiiiii in that moment had he been like “Get naked” I would have been like YES OKAY WHATEVER YOU SAY.

But y’all... we were interrupted by the bell!! I was mid-makeout all passionate and shit and then I heard the bell and I just about jumped five feet in the air I got so scared. That’s when I got embarrassed and I was like ok ok shit... I need to calm my ass down... So I told him “Alright I’ll text you but you need to leave first and I’ll leave later”. He said okay and he dipped meanwhile I hid in a bathroom stall and counted to 30. Meanwhile I was so damn happy I felt like

Once I counted to 30 I opened the stall door and was on my way out when the bathroom door opened surprisingly. I was shook I was like


So I never introduced him to y’all because he was not vital to the story, but there’s this guy named Chris who btw is a total asshole but anyway he’s the guy who Brielle kissed most recently at a party on Saturday... AND he had witnessed Elian’s outburst at lunch and now he was seeing me in the boy’s bathroom... 30 seconds after Elian just came out...

He was staring at me like

He was like “... what were you and Elian doing?” I legit didn’t say shit I was scared I just booked it and ran past him...

So yeah he’s no doubt gonna snitch and I’m scared to go to school tomorrow.... 😭😭😭 He probably done ran and told Brielle and Brielle is probably gonna tell the whole school and somehow make herself a victim and yeah, happy 2018 to me!! 😕😕