I can’t wrap my mind around this.


I just found out I’m 6 weeks pregnant yesterday morning. Neither my boyfriend of 7 months and I are ready for this. He’s 34 and I’m 22 financially we are ready but as a couple I don’t think we are. I was taking birth control so this came as a surprise. I’m out of town for another 2 weeks in Miami while he is in AZ and I am so close to graduating flight attending school for an amazing airline. I have always been so against abortion but now I’m in this predicament and actually considering this huge life changing decision. My boyfriend is not excited about me keeping the baby but he will support me. He told me he definitely sees us getting married when we’re ready as well as having children. But for now we need to explore each other more and find more about each other rather than being forced. I’m heart broken right now. I can’t create this image in my mind I’m ending a heartbeat. But I feel that it is the wisest for me. Please any advice? I want my baby but I also want my life and see where my boyfriend and I grow.