Girl meets guy. Guy has cancer. Girl is unhappy

Before you ladies judge by the title, it might be best I start from the beginning... About a year and a half ago, I started a new job and had an automatic connection and attraction to my supervisor. I was 22 at the time and he was 39 (you don’t choose who you fall in love with). He is from the East Coast and has a beautiful 2 year old daughter who is the only family he has in the area. Anyway, we began dating and 3 months into the relationship, he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. I thought I would be able to handle it and help him get through it, but things have not gotten better...

Our bosses found out about our secret relationship and had him relocate to a different location. Ever since then, I hardly ever see him. We went from seeing each other almost daily 8-10 hours a day to seeing each other almost once a month. I feel like he doesn’t make the effort to see me despite the fact that he lives 4 miles away. I feel that unless I’m the one on top of our plans, we do not see each other. I have let him know multiple times that this bothers me yet this hasn’t changed at all. To add, he isn’t consistent with his medication and doctor visits so it is no surprise that his condition has gotten worse. He doesn’t have good support system here so I try to be there for him, but it’s hard. I don’t know what to do or say half of the time. He is depressed and passes that depression and anxiety on to me. I don’t want to be that shitty girlfriend that leaves her boyfriend because he has cancer. Everything happened so fast and early into our relationship and feel like I got sucked into a bad situation. I’m unhappy. I feel that if I break up with him it would drive him over the edge. I don’t know what to do. Please help, I don’t have anyone to talk to about this as my parents still do not know about my 40 year old cancer diagnosed boyfriend.