I love it but should I keep it....

I’m sorry if I offend many....and I truly understand and probably agree with you....

You see, my husband is so difficult to be with, selfish and financially a mess.

I feel like I ruined my life with him.....

And that I’d be better off without him....

We only had unprotected sex once but once was enough.....

After that I told him to use protection bc I didn’t want to have a child with him until or unless he pulled his socks up....

To late....now I’m 5 weeks - apparently the child has a heart, a head and a spine - I already love it....

The problem is I don’t trust my husband - he’s vendicative and selfish....irresponsible and doesn’t take my needs into account....

I’ve tried to leave him many times but its not so easy, he stays in the house and knows I won’t call the cops.

I can only imagine how hard it will be after we have a child.

He makes bad financial choices than acts like it’s none of my buisness when it also effects me.....

Ive given him 4 years and in 4 years it’s been nothing but broken promises and lies.

Other than that es generally pretty good...

My mum already knows, my cousin to.... no one else knows ....he has ruined my life and I feel like my soft heart has helped him.