This VS that


My husband and I live in a one bedroom apartment and we just re-upped our lease for another 10 months and baby will be five months old by the time our lease is up. By then we will be needing more room. So I am thinking about some products and need some opinions from moms who have also lived in a limited space for a limited time and how they made that work for them.

What do you all think about:

-Mini crib VS regular size crib

-Bassinet VS Mini-Crib

-A swing

-Car seat that grows until four years old VS infant car seat

* What was the easiest to get the baby out of the first two months while healing is still going on?

* is it a waste of money to get an infant car seat and then buy a toddler car seat after the baby grows out of the infant car seat?

* I also plan on wearing the baby in a wrap or sling, but also if we need to go to the store is it easier to take the infant car seat out or just put the baby in the wrap?

thank you for reading and your opinions as well.