TTC at 35

I’m not sure where else to turn so you ladies seemed like a good place. I’m currently 35 and my husband is currently 40. I have been completely off of birth control for about a year and a half but we’ve still bee preventing pregnancy due to job situations on my end.

I finally started a new job in October and am professionally in a good place now and we are ready to start trying. We both agree that we shouldn’t start trying until delivery would be guaranteed after my one year (October 2)with my company so i would be covered under FMLA. If i were to get pregnant after my period this month I’d be due around October 8. Which my husband feels is cutting it too close to not being here a year.

I’m ready for this next step as is he but due to our age I’m really afraid to put it off another month and i know you shouldn’t put having a child on hold for work but i don’t want to sacrifice this job.

So i guess I’m wondering how many of you ladies are 35 or older with a spouse 35 or older and how long did it take you to conceive? Are we stupid waiting another month before trying because of a possible week or 2 of my year anniversary with my company?