Baby dust to all♡♡


My husband and I have a 2 year old daughter that we weren't planning on. And I went on birth control after I had her. Once our daughter turned one I got off birth control. I know everyone's body is different and some people take longer for their bodies to get back to normal. and we don't want a big difference in age for our children. Well we want another child. I haven't been tracking my ovulation like I should but right now I have the mind set that if it happens, it happens... we aren't preventing it. Well I didn't know how serious he was about wanting another baby until he laid his head on my belly and started talking to my belly. and looked up at me and told me he wishes we had one in there. I know it's not much but for me it's enough to know that he's serious about wanting another. So prayers and baby dust for all couples who are trying and after AF comes I'm gonna start <a href="">tracking ovulation</a>. Hopefully 2018 is our year!♡♡ ***my husband hates pictures of himself so I take them while he's asleep or turned around