

So... my period is 10 days late. I'm usually not worried, I'm not sexually active and my period tends to be one or two days late, my cycle is a little wacky and always has been. I'm 17 so I expect it'll get better but right now when it hits, it hits me like a truck (I get the absolute worst cramps you have no idea) so usually the wait is fine. But now I'm worried. I know I'm not pregnant (although the irrational part of my brain is freaking out even though HELLO that's not possible) but... I'm worried I might be anemic or something. I'll admit I haven't been eating great lately but that's never affected me before.

Does anyone have an explanation, something I should look for, personal experience? If this continues until the weekend I'll speak to a doctor but for now I'm just looking for a woman to tell me if I have any reason to be worried in the first place.

Thank you in advance.