History repeating itself, normal, or not?!

Lindsay • I have 3 beautiful girls❤ my youngest daughter is my angel baby💜and my 1st son who is also my rainbow baby💙

I have been trying to conceive for the past 8months. I have not had a period in 3 months. Went to my doctor, had blood drawn for a hormone level check and got put on birth control pills. Finally had 3 days of super light bleeding, then few days later i got my actual period. I am now on day 11 of medium to heavy bleeding. I had this happen to me once before. I had my period for two weeks, found out I was pregnant almost 8 weeks after my two week period. Is it normal to have this kind of bleeding after not having a period for 3 months and put back on birth control? Or is history repeating itself and I could possibly be pregnant with my rainbow baby? Any advice or comments welcomed. Help!