Punched a wall...


Okay, I know what you are all thinking... get some anger management help. But before I tell the story/ask a question I did! I have a counselor and signed up for kick boxing classes! Yay me!

Okay now the deats-- so my mom left and you could imagine 19 year old me feeling pretty pissed so I punched this concrete wall outside my house... these pictures are from 3 days after punching the wall and I'm not sure if I should go get check out. Its hard to tell in the pictures but there is indeed bruising on all my knuckles but mainly my middle and ring finger. They feel super tight and hurt when I close to make a fist, they hurt when i bend them back too but the pain is not unbearable either so I'm not sure if I should stick it out because it may just be bruised or go get my fingers checked out... doctors are expensive which is why I'm asking here first!