Second IUI fail 😣😭 (I need to vent)



I'm only 25 years old and my hubby is 28. This was also a HSG cycle (everything was normal) and I got 3 mature follicules and we had 26 milion sperm with 80% motillity. So what went wrong? Why I'm not pregnant?! I don't want to do <a href="">IUI</a>'s any more, I want ICSI! I hate when I get my hopes up every month and then I see a BFN at the end of the cycle! When we started TTC I just knew from the start <a href="">IVF</a> was the only right way to do it for us. My hubby has motillity, morphology and cromosom issues so why did they even consider <a href="">IUI</a> will work for us? Just to take more of our money?Ughhhh I'm so frustrated right now and sorry for a long post but I just need to vent...

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Posted at
It was 80% after they washed the sperm? So sorry girlie. I know how you feel, last month everything seemed to be lined up perfectly and it didn’t work out. Just had my 2nd IUI and hoping for the best. There’s only a 25% chance of preg each month with the healthiest of couples. Who know getting pregnant would be so difficult! 🙏🏻 your way! Whats ICS?


Paige • Jan 12, 2018
So sorry!! I can’t remember if they had the DNA on my DHs report. The morphology was like 3% I believe long tails and small heads. Does that make it not able to fertilize the egg? I do hope you’re able to do the ICSI, are there funding programs available?


Mi • Jan 12, 2018
Yes, it is more expensive but worth it because it decreases chaces of miscariage and IVF failure. It is better to do one ICSI than risk doing multiple IVF's. But sadly doctors don't tell us that. My hubby had a sperm analysis and results were horrible: motillity 17%, morphologically only 4% normal (they had head deformation) and 40% DNA fragmented ( bad DNA) 😢


Paige • Jan 11, 2018
Oh wow that’s awesome!! Sounds even more expensive than IVF is it? Has DH had a sperm analysis? And thank you!!! Baby dust to you as well!


Posted at
I would just save up for ivf. I did 5 failed iui's and wish I would have just saved up for invitro since I didn't have insurance and paid out of pocket.


Carlee • Jan 11, 2018
Yeah my husband has a low count so we really shouldn't have done so many 😩 good luck to you though!


Mi • Jan 11, 2018
I'm so sorry that happend to you. I'm also paying everything from my own pocket. I think IUI is only a option for cuples that don't have any known medical issues but for cuples with male infertility IVF is only logical option because in IUI you rely on a fact that sperm is capable of swimming and penetrating an egg.