In need of reassurance!!!😯


I suffer from severe depression and anxiety (diagnosed 2 years ago). This pregnancy has been very complicated compared to my first 2. A little background on my 2 previous pregnany, my son stopped growing at 32 weeks so I delivered him at 37 weeks and my daughter was induced at 38.6 weeks with no pregnancy complications. Well this pregnancy I have been told I have a low platelet count which could result I hemorrhaging after birth and I am measuring 2 weeks behind. On top of all of this I am being tested for cholatasis (sorry if the spelling is incorrect). I don't know how to manage my anxiety and depression at this point. Of course this is causing me not to sleep and the thought of my baby being born still born terrifies me, as it would any mother. What are some great anxiety relief techniques that are great for me at 36.2 weeks. I am afraid the Drs won't diagnose me, which would be great but what if they misdiagnosed me and put my baby at risk? I just need a little reassurance at this point from mothers that have been diagnosed with a disease I do hsve?