Ectopic pregnancy and ttc

Jamie • Married to my best friend. Ectopic January 18. MC August 18. PMP October 18.Mom to two fur babies 🐱

Hey Everyone it’s been a crazy month. Found out I was pregnant on December 8th. My levels were rising normally and everything was looking good. I ended up in the ER on December 27th because I had started bleeding over Christmas and I was extremely worried. They did an ultrasound and there was a suspicious spot that my fertility doctor thought was just a cyst. My numbers started to fall and said it was a miscarriage. Then last week my numbers went back up so my doctor scheduled me a D&C; for last Thursday. Went this Tuesday January 9th for follow up bloodwork and my hcg went up again so was sent for an emergency ultrasound. I had the best tech and she said they should have listened to us two weeks ago. I was sent immediately to the er to get ready for surgery. They were able to save my left tube. After all of this I just am scared to death to even think about trying again.

Just curious how long after surgery did it take for your period to come back and how long to get pregnant again?