Just stay in there little boy.... 😩😫


I’m currently 34 weeks and 5 days today - this is my third pregnancy.

With my last baby, I had a grueling pregnancy with complications at every turn. Eventually resulting in early labor at just over 36 weeks. My boy had to stay in the NICU for about 12 days because his lungs were somewhat underdeveloped. It was a scary process but the doctors and nursing staff were just amazing. He’s now a healthy 7 year old!!

That aside, I went in today and they did my strep test and because I’ve been on progesterone shots with this pregnancy (due to my history), she decided to go ahead and check my cervix to ensure they were working and things were progressing normally. I have felt great throughout most of this pregnancy! Aside from what I assumed was typical third trimester woes - sore hips, insomnia, backache, etc - things had progressed normally. Well guess what.... I am already 3-4 centimeters dilated and about 60% effaced (which is good considering the cervix is still somewhat firm).

Immediately I was told not to do anything from here on out that could potentially stimulate labor, and most importantly no sex. My next appointment is set for Jan. 25th and I’ll be just over 36 weeks and I’m praying that we make it until then.

I’m seriously having some PTSD over this and I’m shaking still after hearing the news. Partially from excitement and part from anxiety. Sorry for the long post, I just really needed to put it all into words. Say a quick prayer for my baby Michael and I, that things progress when and how they should, with no overt complications (i.e. anything that results in a NICU stay). I know not all early labor results in that but I can’t help but think on it. Lots of love to all you other Mommies-To-Be. Sending positive thoughts your way!! ❤️❤️