Our less than 1 in a billion happened! Update!


My husband and I tried to get pregnant for 2 years and nothing so we tried fertility drugs and everything else you can think of with no luck. We always assumed it was me because I have PCOS, endometriosis and hypothyroidism but finally we had a sperm analysis done. It came back that my husbands sperm was almost non existent and what he did have was awfully shaped and very slow moving. The fertility specialist sat us down and said that us conceiving without

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

with icsi was less than 1 in a billion. A few months later

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

with icsi was done and 9 months later we had our sweet twin girls Madilyn and Ella! We still have 6 embryos frozen so we planned to wait a few years and then maybe transfer another embryo... surprise!! My girls are 14 months old and I just found out I'm 6 weeks pregnant! We were not trying but of course never thought it would happen naturally so we didn't prevent it either! I haven't told my husband yet because I want to find the perfect way! He is going to be so excited! Although I would have waited a while longer it was obviously meant to be this way! And even though we paid an arm and a leg for

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

I wouldn't change it for the world because we wouldn't have our girls!! I am just completely in awe and I needed to tell someone!😂

Update: I got super impatient and ended up just giving my husband a heart box with a bottle and rattle in it and the test results and such in the bottom. I wrote him a little note in a card for his birthday and his exact words were "are you f****** kidding me" 😂 He is ecstatic! We haven't told very many people yet, just close family and friends. They are all excited for us. This weekend we are having a little gender reveal for our family and friends. We had the genetic testing done and it came back today with low risk on everything and it's a BOY💙💙 We are beyond excited! Hopefully this pregnancy goes as planned and baby boy gets here happy and healthy! Then our little family will be complete (and we can be done😂) Thank you everyone for your sweet comments! It is nice to be able to share everything here when it's driving me crazy not to tell anyone at home!

Here's some updated picture of my little loves. They love to sit on my makeshift baby gate and watch mommy get ready😂