My turn đź’žđź’ž


Here’s a little bit of a birth story/story about how different this labor was from my first.

My first born, Hazel Grace, was born with a bilateral congenital diaphragmatic hernia and doctors gave her 0-5% chance of survival. She had 2/3rds of her liver inside of her chest when she was born and was immediately taken from me when she was born and put on a ventilator. I felt every single bit of labor with her because my epidural was inserted wrong. It took me 2 1/2 hours to push her out. She had life saving surgery at 9 days old, I held her for the first time at 13 Days old(when she got her breathing tube out) and then she came home at 43 days old!

This time around I got to experience a completely different pregnancy. Everleigh was completely healthy so I had an amazing, stress free pregnancy other than having to deal with a little bit of pregnancy induced hypertension. I was scheduled to go in for induction December 28th at 8pm.. something happened and it was like a complete baby boom happened at our hospital so they didn’t have a room for me until December 30th! They ended up having 97 babies born in 12 days! Which is insane for our small little hospital. Anyways, they admitted me at 2pm on the 30th, we started pitocin around 3pm. The anesthesiologist was already up stairs so I let him come on in and do my epidural around 4pm and my doctor broke my water at 5pm. I obviously didn’t feel a thing, I was number than numb which was super nice lol. At the time of my water being broke I went from 3cm dilated to 5cm dilated and that’s when labor stalled. They had the pitocin as high as it would go and it wasn’t even making me contract anymore. At about 10pm they came in and put a peanut ball between my legs and started to rotate me from my right side and then when they turned me to my left I was still at 5cm but we figured out I wasn’t making progress because Everleighs Head was turned to the left instead of straight so it was stopping me from dilating. We decided to keep trying the rotations to see if she would turn. At this point it was about 1am, about 30 mins after laying on my left side I felt a huge POP and sharp pains that felt like period cramps x100. About the time I tried to call my nurse in there she walked through the door and told me we were going to stop the pitocin since it wasn’t doing anything for me but said since I was in pain she would check me again and we would see if anything changed. So she goes to check me and says “I’m about to go get another nurse for a second opinion before I tell you what I think” so the second nurse comes in and checks me and says “alright momma, you’re complete. We will give her a little bit to descend down the birth canal and give your contractions a little more time to pick up before we start pushing” so I started pushing at 2am and she was born at 2:20am New Year’s <a href="">Eve</a>. She was 7lbs 5oz 18 1/2 inches long! Her big sister was in the room until it was time to push but as soon as her sister came out and was getting weighed she was aloud to come back in the room to meet her. It was such an amazing experience compared to my first. I was beyond blessed to being a healthy baby into this world! Her and her sister are my whole world and we wouldn’t want it any other way ❤️