Any support helps...

I'm 19 and already have a 6 month old child and I'm barely making enough to support her. My child's father and I broke up due to his many infidelities and I'm not in the mental, financial, or physically (had an emergency c section that I'm still having complications from) ready for another child. I decided to have a surgical abortion which is due tomorrow. I'm 12 weeks as of right now. I know this is the best decision but I can't help but feel so guilty and sad because I can't take care of something that I wasn't being smart about and let happen. my heart is broken I've been crying all day at work but I know that I'm not changing my mind. please anyone that's been in this situation help me I'm so depressed about it my child's father is 100% for it but not supportive.. I just need any support as I haven't told anyone and all I want is my mom to hold me and tell me things will be okay... I've never felt this much sadness in my life I feel mostly because I'm going to go thru this all alone... God forgive me...😔