loose stool!!!! Help!


I’m 37w 3 d and I swear i’ve had loose stools for 3 days now. I swear I use the restroom 5-6 times a day.

I don’t know if i’m dilated or effaced yet because i would rather not know.

I have braxton hicks, but very rarely. I do get crampy, and have back pain and TONS of pressure. I can tell she’s low.

Haven’t lost mucus plug yet.

I asked one of my midwife’s (i see a different one each appt) about signs of labor and she said loose stool, then i asked another today and she said that it’s hard bc loose stool could be from something else... But is it normal to have it for a few days?? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyone else on the same boat???