Frustrated and Confused 😫


**Sorry it’s so long**

Today I went in for my 37 week regular Ob/Gyn appointment, at first all was normal except the nurse who brought me back was new. Being new she had to go through all the questions with me since she was unfamiliar with me. When she got around to asking about how I had been feeling I told her, “Very pregnant, but in seriousness, I’ve had very consistent, annoying back pain all week and the last two days I’ve had very strong, yet inconsistent contractions and today I noticed excess fluid that I was fairly certain wasn’t urine, but could be.” She put it all in the notes for my Dr and asked if I wanted to be checked for dilation and effacement today, which I said yes to. She then gave me a sheet and said the Dr would be in shortly if I wanted to be ready for her. My Dr came in a few minutes later and was completely clueless as to why I was half naked with a sheet on. Nobody even said anything to her! 😱 I was embarrassed and the rest of my appointment she was very aggressive and pushy, which is out of her usual character so I figured it was because no one told her. But, I got really frustrated because when she checked my cervix she was very forceful and it sent a pain shooting through my vagina to my hips and around my back. Then when she was done I felt a gush of liquid and since whenever I sit I have a small gush feeling. I tried to tell her it didn’t feel normal (this was my 3 or 4 time being checked) and she wasn’t listening. She went on about how I will need an ultrasound at my 38 week ultrasound to see how big baby is, so we can talk about my options. She was being very pushy about me having a c-section if he is still measuring large. When I asked about possibly just being induced, so I can attempt vaginal birth she said something about if I did that I’d be asking for a c-section. This really upset me. I have told her before and I made it clear again today that my goal is to have my baby vaginally. So, I’m just wondering if anybody has had similar experiences with ob/gyns and got frustrated. If so how did you deal with it?


My baby boy was born 12days early(on the day day my ob wanted to do an ultrasound)! He was already 9lbs 7oz, but he was deliver vaginally with some help of an episiotomy. I’m very happy that he came early and I was able to follow my birth plan with only a little change,