Plans for Valentine's Day and I need advice!!!

I am bisexual and have a HUGE crush on my best friend. Well I want to come out to her about how I feel. I'm just not sure if she will react well to my truth. She seems to be homophobic but at the same time she doesn't mind me. She's aware that I am bisexual and she accepted that when we started to get closer. Anyway, the plan is that I'm going to give her flowers and chocolate. I want to make Valentine's Day special for her because she has never had anyone like her or give her gifts for Valentine's Day. What do you guys think? I want to know if you think Valentine's Day is a good day to tell her. I'm just so overwhelmed. HELP.


Wo she knows. That I have plans for her. She doesn't know what they are but she has an idea of what I have planned. She wont tell me what she thinks I'm gonna do though. 😂😂😂