Full body tantrums


Y’all, I’m fairly sure I gave birth to Satan 😬

He is PERSISTENT and WONT STOP having full body tantrums unless he gets the things he wants. We never let him rule the house nor did we always give him the things he asked for, so I’m really unsure about how he ended up this way.

My son just turned 2 on January 3rd but has been throwing tantrums for several months. When he doesn’t get what he wants he falls into the floor back first hitting his head on the ground. Then he slings his arms and legs and throws his body every way possible. He ends up rolling around in anger and rolls into furniture.

He’s screaming right now...this tantrum has been almost 45 minutes. This can’t be normal to not give up....... I mean he’s full blown, losing his voice ANGRY. Not crying..screaming!

At one point he just made angry growling sounds. At other times he hit his head on the wall and other times he jumped off the floor and landed flat on his butt over and over again.

Physically he is fine. He just wants someone to hold him all.night.long. If you think we can just put him down, HA!

I’m borderline considering a child therapist to work this shit out but honestly...he’s 2. What’s he actually going to gain from that?

I’m not even sure that I’m asking a question here, just venting and looking for reassurance 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t know.

Signing off

- Exhausted and frustrated momma

*Also please don’t lecture me on crying it out 👌 I promise you we’ve tried other methods before resorting to this one. Certainly nobody enjoys seeing and hearing their child transform into a monster.