Finally have our baby girl.

Rene • I am a boy mom. Three awry boys 12, 8, & 4. We are finally going to have a baby girl due December 31st.

My fourth and final labor story is pretty simple. I had a high risk pregnancy, due to DVT. I had 3 clots in my left leg in Jan last year, so I was taken off my bc. We had discussed having another but had figured it was just to expensive. But GOD had other plans. I found out we were pregnant in April. I was immediately put on blood thinner shots, (had to be done in my belly.) So honestly I couldn't enjoy all the normal joys of pregnancy. My belly was covered in bruises. Not to mention just like my previous pregnancies I had horrible morning sickness throughout 8 months. Lilith due date was 12-31. But due to the DVT I would have to be induced 2 weeks early. I was so upset. I had been able to have my boys on my own and I wanted a new years baby so bad. Then we were told there was a possibility that she may have down syndrome. That was an unnecessary worry. So at 35 weeks I was put on a different blood thinner cause I was getting close to her induction day 12-18. Well at my 36 week appointment I went in having contractions. I figured they were just Braxton hicks, Dr checked and I was dialated to 4 so I was taken to labor and delivery. I informed my husband who was at work, but told him not to panic and leave because they would probably just send me home. Which is what happened after an hour of no progress. So after 2 days of working and coming home and walking with my husband, my contractions started getting much stronger. They were still unsteady, but the hospital is 30 mins away so we packed up and got the boys to the sitters house. We got to the hospital and was checked and I was now a 6. So the nurse started me walking and called the Dr on call. I walked for another hour and was checked again now I was a 7 but she was still high and so being that far dilated they didn't want to send me home. My contractions still were not steady so they swiped my membrane and had me walk for another hour and told me to do nipple stimulation. I walked in my room for what seemed like forever. The nurse came in and said ok we are going to do a Foley. And after that was finished I walked some more. my contractions were still off and on so they gave me pitocin. That got it all going and strong. after I got dilated to an 8 I asked for pain meds. Not epidural ( because I have a bad back ) No more than them kicking in I finally think I'm gonna rest for a few mins and I asked them to come check me I felt the need to push. Sure enough I was ready. The Dr came in and said ok let's go. I pushed three times and her head was out and she said ok wait a second but I couldn't hear her and she said. whoa wait wait and she was here. I couldn't stop after I felt her head come out I was so ready to hold her and it to be over with. They got her on my chest and that was where everything got really foggy. I delivered my Placentia and I started losing a lot of blood. My husband later told me that was the most blood he had ever seen and he was there for 3 of 4 labors. He said he was scared. But they got it stopped. I had a small tear that they was able to stitch once on the inside.

Lilith Jane was born on 12-11-17 weighing 6lbs 9.9oz 18.5 inches long.