**WARNING** bloody pictures

Sorry about the pictures!!! Is this enough blood that I should be worried about a miscarriage and go to my doctors? I’m 4 weeks and 2 days today and my cramps are worse than ever.

I did sleep in that tampon though. I had it in for 9 1/2 hours *probably not the super safe but I was sleeping. I don’t leave them in that long when I’m awake*

**UPDATE** I got told to keep my feet up and rest for the day and wait it out till tomorrow to see what happens and go from there. When I got home from school it was getting better. It had turned into more of a clear liquid with some blood in it instead of like straight blood. (If that makes sense. Idk how to explain it) I slept for about 2 hours after school and it was finally getting better. I thought all was well and finally getting better. Anyways I got up and went to my moms CPR skills training with her because I thought it was getting better. While I was there my cramps started to come back. We went out to eat and i could realize it was getting bad again. Now my cramps are back and I’m bleeding a lot again. I’m thinking that this is going to need to be taken to the hospital soon because I am not getting better at all.

**UPDATE 2** About 2 days ago I got a small clot and I was a little worried but not super worried and just went on with my day. Yesterday (1/13) it was a lot better. No clots. Not as much bleeding. No cramps. Today I thought it was all good and better. I went to the store (no pad or anything. Bad decision. Good thing I was wearing black leggings). I started bleeding again. I went to the bathroom and made a make shift pad real quick. When I got home I went to use the bathroom and put a pad on and there was a bigger clot. Sadly I did have a miscarriage. I was kind of a mess yesterday but I’m a lot better today. My boyfriend is upset but he is handling it very well. He already wants to start trying for another baby after I get my period next month. Thank you for all the support in the comments. It really means a lot to me💕

**UPDATE 2**

Sorry for the graphic images. This is the clot I got while at the store that I found when I got home.

Sorry it’s kinda of blurry.

Again thank you for all the support. Baby dust to everyone trying ttc and a happy healthy pregnancy to those expecting!💕