Abnormal periods

Taylor • Married 09/22 with 2 beautiful girls Artemis Royale (5) and Iris Calliope (3) TTC number 3

I've had abnormal periods since I was 11 so I never really know when my period is due or if I ovulated.my doctor put me on Clomid to balance my hormones and for fertility so they were. pretty regular. I gave up tracking my ovulation with the sticks last month. According to glow I'm 6 days late in a 33 day cycle. I've took three tests. these are Day 3-5 Day 3

Day 5

I'm so confused I don't know what to do people keep saying it's negative and it should be darker by now but I feel weird I'm nauseated and been throwing up, which just might be from all the stress. I feel pregnant I know that's a stupid thing to say but all my symptoms are different from the regular symptoms I get when I'm about to start I need opinions am I crazy like everyone wants me to believe or can you get faint lines this far...