Body won’t give me the milk!


Backstory: Baby 1 never nursed, but I pumped for 6 weeks and never could get more than 1 ounce each feed combined.

Baby 2 nursed wonderfully for 3 1/2 months. She had a perfect latch from the beginning. We made the hard decision to go to formula because she was underweight and falling behind on development.

Now I’m pregnant with #3 and desperately want to breastfeed. Since weening my daughter my doctor has told me it’s likely that I have an autoimmune disorder that isn’t showing up in my blood work yet.

I tried supplements, drinking crap loads of water, lactation smoothies, bites, and cookies, pumping after every feed, even spending an entire day in bed nursing her every 10-15 minutes. Nothing boosted my supply. I could never make more than 3 ounces per feed combined (found out by weighted feed, for pumping I’d only get 1 1/2-2)

How can I breastfeed this next baby successfully when my body is against it?