Opinions please!!

Kimberly • 👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽👼🏽🌈👨‍👩‍👦🐾 Felicity 4/28/17,Sofia & Jackson Dominick 10/29/18 Oliver,my strong precious boy here on earth!!

I am very curious what you all think??!!

I had a late MC in April 2016 (I was 4 months) and a chemical November 2017

I don’t seem to have trouble getting pregnant but them sticking is my issue obviously!

I was talking to a co worker of mine who has had the same issue as me and she said after all the tests etc she had to be prescribed progesterone inserts and have her vitamin D levels come up a bit, she is now 36weeks 😃😃

I was looking over my labs that I have had done when I found out I was pregnant back in January 2016, I never saw where they checked my progesterone and to this day I have never had them checked with all the blood work I’ve had!!


Is Progesterone something they normally would check once becoming pregnant and along the way especially with having a history of pregnancy complications??!!

Please ladies leave your advice!!!!