My precious baby girl born a day before her due date


My precious baby girl born a day before her due date. Selena Reilynn 7pounds4oz at 8:41am 12/11/17 . I had contractions that started 12/10 at around 10:30 pm and went through the night contracting they were 20 minutes apart, then about 1am they were 15 and then about 3:30 am they were 3-5 so we got ready and headed to the hospital about 4:45, I was checked about 5ish and the dr told me I was a 7! A freaking 7 y’all !!!!! We were immediately admitted because there was no way I was going home after that. My water hadn’t broken so at 6:30 I was asked if i wanted my water broken so I could go the rest of the way and progress faster(Boy I didn’t know how fast faster would be) I agreed and during a contraction my water was broken and I only leak a very little fluid. Contractions started coming every 2 minutes,then every minute , I started to get pressure like I needed to poop and the dr came in and checked me at 6:45 but I didn’t progress yet and they said they would be in “a little later” to see where I was , i was getting contractions again and baby started getting dcells, the dr came in at 7 and said I hadn’t progressed and was a complete 7 and 90% effaced , the drs asked if my baby could handle the pain I was in and asked if I wanted epi because baby seemed a bit distressed, I said I would do the epi because I needed relief too. The anasegiologist took 30 minutes to get to me because she was in another room giving an epi and when she did come into my room she took another 20 minutes to make the placement because she kept forgetting equipment that she needed to place my epi, I continued to get contractions every 60-70 seconds , I was screaming in pain. As soon as I was told to lay down my toes went numb, I told the nurse and my husband that I needed to push right then, I was told I was only a 7 and couldn’t push with cervix still in the way, my body started pushing and the nurse told me to stop pushing, I told her no I’m gonna push because she is right there, she ran out to get a dr or rn because I was pushing , the rn came in checked me and immediately felt babies head, I went from a 7 to complete in 5 minutes of having my epi placed so it didn’t even get to work yet. I was still able to move and I told the nurse to turn off the epi because it wasn’t going to reach me while I pushed so she did, the drs rushes in and it took me about 15-20 minutes of pushing because at this point I was exhausted from all the laboring on my own and how fast everything was going. It was so hectic and I delivered my baby. My kids got to see their baby sister be born and everyone rejoiced in the room as everyone knows my husband and myself well (he’s a nurse at this hospital) . She had issues with blood sugars and temp because of how fast everything happened but she did better over night and got to come home and is perfect . Total after my water was broken it took me 2 hours to have her and I was so impressed with how my body did in that much pain.