Need advice with a bad marriage

I was with this guy for a little over 2 years.. we ended up breaking up because the relationship was so bad and slightly abusive. A few weeks later he ended up joining the army and going to basic training. A month later I found out I was pregnant with his child at 18. I have no family.. my mother was mentally unstable with bipolar schizophrenia and a drug addict and the house we were living in was getting evicted and she was going to rehab. I didn’t know where I was going to live or how I was going to take care of myself of child. So I ended up getting married to him because he promised things were different and he had changed while he was in basic training. Our daughter is now 5 months and things are just as bad as they used to be. I want out so bad because I feel like it’s what’s best for my daughter and I.. but I’m completely stuck. I’m 19, with 0 money of my own, no car, even my phone is his, and I have pretty much nothing at all.. I don’t know how to get out of this.. I want to get a job but do not have a car to get one and I live out in the middle of the country with no buses or anything. I moved somewhere I know absolutely no one for his job..I have no one to help me out.. I’m so worried. This sounds terrible but I’m honestly just hoping he gets deployed so I can figure a way out of this without worrying.. I feel terrible for even thinking it.. any advice?